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Judge weighs whether Missouri-based Kanakuk defrauded abuse survivor’s family
Date Shared: November 18th, 2024
Date Released: November 18th, 2024


Lawsuit alleges Kanakuk Ministries and ACE American Insurance Company lied to conceal former director’s abuse

Attorneys argued about culpability in Christian County Circuit Court Monday morning in a lawsuit involving a Branson-area Christian summer camp accused of conspiring with its insurer to trick a family into signing a non-disclosure agreement by concealing prior knowledge of sexual misconduct.

Logan Yandell, a survivor of sexual abuse by Kanakuk Ministries’ former camp director, filed a lawsuit in 2022 alleging misstatements by the camp’s CEO led his parents to sign a settlement and non-disclosure agreement for $250,000 that they otherwise would have continued to fight.

Yandell’s attorney, Reed Martens, told Judge Raymond Gross on Monday that his client’s parents signed a release in December of 2010 under pressure from Kanakuk CEO Joe White, who was their family friend.

During a call in September of 2009, Martens said, the Yandell family asked White if he knew of other abuse allegations involving former Kanakuk camp director Peter Newman. He allegedly said “nothing has been on (the camp’s) radar with (Newman),” but an affidavit by Newman’s former supervisor disclosed that the camp had been aware of misconduct as early as 1999.

The lawsuit also names ACE American Insurance Company as a defendant, arguing it influenced the camp’s decision to conceal information.

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Logan Gregory Yandell

This is my statement to my perpetrator and the parole board: My name is Logan Gregory Yandell. I was sexually abused by Peter Newman from 9-13 years old. I am here today to convey the profound impact Peter Newman’s actions have had on my life. This statement is not merely a recounting of my suffering but a testament to the strength and resilience...