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News (2)

'What are they hiding': Former SBC members react to sex abuse settlement

Date Shared: January 6th, 2024
Date Released: January 5th, 2024
- Last week, Minick read articles covering how SBC and others reached a confidential settlement in a six-year suit accusing Pressler of sex abuse and alleging that others including First Baptist Church of Houston were responsible for covering up crimes.  - "It just left me wondering who all knew and what else are they hiding," Minick said Monday, expressing frustration that the case would never reach its February trial date. It was his belief that SBC had "calculated the cost of the cost of settlement versus trial and did what they had to do to protect themselves and there was no...

Southern Baptist Convention settles high-profile lawsuit that accused former leader of sexual abuse

Date Shared: January 6th, 2024
Date Released: December 29th, 2023
- The suit prompted a major newspaper investigation into Southern Baptist sexual abuse and seven other men to come forward with allegations against Paul Pressler, an influential conservative activist and former Texas judge. - Rollins said weaponized religious language to justify his predations — were so traumatizing that he unconsciously developed a sort of Stockholm syndrome that, coupled with the drug and alcohol addictions he blamed on the trauma, made it impossible to recognize himself as a victim until decades had passed. Thus, Rollins argued, his statute of limitations should have begun when he realized he had been...

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